Dickdarmkrebs, Morbus Crohn und Colitis ulcerosa, Hepatitis B und CSprechzeiten
Montag bis Freitag 8-13 und nach Vereinbarung
Prof. Dr. Hanns Löhr ist Internist, Gastroenterologe in Wiesbaden.
Magen- und Darmerkrankungen, Leber
born 1957, 1980-1987 Studies of Medicine at the universities of Innsbruck/Austria and Freiburg/Germany. 1987 M. D. degree (Promotion) at the University of Freiburg.
1987-1995 Clinical assistent, University Mainz, Germany. 1988-2003 theoretical and experimental workings in the field of hepatology, viral immunology and autoimmunology (granted by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Sonderforschungsbereiche SFB 311 and 490).
1994 Senior doctorship as physician, 1995 Senior registrar and academic degree as senior lecturer (venia legendi for Internal Medicine). Title of the scientific thesis (habilitation): The significance of CD4+ T lymphocytes for the regulation of the immunopathogenesis in chronic hepatitis C virus infection. 1996 Final examination as Gastroenterologist and Hepatologist, 1996 Theodor-Frerichs-Award of the German Society of Internal Medicine. 1999 Degree in clinical quality management. 2002 Chief of the I. Medical Department (Gastroenterology) of the Johanniter Hospital Bonn, since 2004 Practice for Internal Medicine, Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Oncology in Wiesbaden.
Check-Up, Vorsorge-Darmspiegelung, Krebsvorsorge, Ultraschall, Endoskopie, Magenspiegelung, Impfungen, reisemedizinische Beratung, Infusionen, Laboruntersuchungen, Chemotherapie, Ernährungsberatung, Stoffwechseleinstellung
Chemotherapie Bei Magen-, Darm- und Bauchspeicheldrüsenkrebs, antivirale Therapie bei Hepatitis und AIDS, Immuntherapie bei Morbus Crohn und Colitis ulcerosa